pkg file for the app from its official site. To install Zoom on Mac, you must first download the. Users from specific regions specified by you can be blocked from entering your meeting.There’s an option to automatically record meetings on your Mac.You can choose newly-joined participants to be muted until you unmute them manually.You can allow participants to join at anytime during an ongoing meeting.Calendar: This section allows you to pick which calendar will be used by Zoom.Video: You can choose whether video would be enabled for the host and/or participants.While waiting to be admitted into the meeting, they’d be in the meeting’s waiting room. Waiting Room: If this option is enabled, incoming participants would be able to join your meeting only if you allow them to, even after entering the meeting’s passcode.You can decide what the passcode is going to be. Passcode: Users need to enter the passcode for your meeting to join it.You can set the meeting ID to be generated automatically, or you can use your Personal Meeting ID, which is a unique number associated with your Zoom account. Meeting ID: This is the unique number of the meeting that other users would need to use in order to join your meeting.

You can also set it to be a recurring meeting.